News Article
Drama Camp Forms Now Available
Published on: April 14, 2014
Winder-Barrow Community Theatre is proud to announce Summer Drama Camps to be held in conjunction with the City of Winder and the Winder Cultural Arts Department. Drama Camp will be held for two weeks on June 9 to 13 and June 23 to 27. Children ages 5 to 9 will attend the morning sessions, and children ages 10 to 14 will attend the afternoon sessions. Five year olds must have completed Kindergarten in order to attend camp. Children will be able to attend only one week of camp during the year.
The cost of Drama Camp is $35.00 for the week, and this includes all supplies, a snack, and a t-shirt for the student. Money for the tuition must be paid with cash or check at the time of application. All camp and medical forms must be turned in with original signatures along with the money in order to enroll the child. Since the money has to accompany the forms, we cannot accept faxed or e-mailed forms. Camp forms can be picked up in person at Pam Veader’s State Farm Insurance Office at 41 S. Center Street in Winder (770-867-1679) or by an e-mail request at
Camp registration will start on Thursday, May 1st at 9:00 am at Pam’s office on Center Street. Applications will not be accepted prior to this date, and all slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis. After the camps are full, a waiting list will be compiled in case somebody can’t attend as planned.
If you have a “dramatic” child or grandchild, don’t delay in signing them up for camp.
For more information about WBCT and other upcoming events, please see the website at